Creating a beautiful home is great but making your home smell divine all the time is important for the overall ambience of your home.

Keeping every room in your home smelling good can be challenging and needs the appropriate scents and feel for every space, this week I will be sharing interesting smelling hacks for your beautiful home. Enjoy.


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Sprinkle a generous amount of baking soda on your rug and sofa, leave it for fifteen to thirty minutes, then vacuum up.

Open up the window and let the fresh air and sunlight waft away odors and refresh your home.

Bring in fresh flowers, scented candles, and essential oil diffusers into the living room.

Dry clean your curtains, sofa, and cushions every three months.

Place coffee beans in a glass jar and light a tea light on top of the coffee beans.

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Ventilate your bedroom and place an air purifying plant in the room.

Deep clean your mattress every six months and air dry your mattress and pillows regularly.

Wash your pillows, pillows cover, linen, bed sheets regularly.

Oil diffusers such as lavender, chamomile and sandalwood are great for the bedroom.

Sprinkle baking soda on your mattress, rugs or carpets, then vacuum after thirty minutes.


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Clean out your refrigerator and pantry from spoiled food and vegetables.

Wipe down your refrigerator, cabinets, and drawer with vinegar.

Throw out your garbage daily and wash your garbage with vinegar and baking soda.

Wipe down your kitchen counters with vinegar or any citrus-scented disinfectant.

Wash your wooden cutting board with baking soda and lemon.

Simmer lemon slices, cinnamon sticks, orange essential oil and some water, you use this to wipe your counters and cabinets.

Keep your kitchen sink clean and odor free by sprinkling some baking soda and pouring boiling water on top of it.


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Keep your bathroom well ventilated.

Use scented candles suitable for bathrooms such as peppermint, lemon grass, eucalyptus.

Place a plug-in air freshener in your bathroom.

Pour baking soda down the bath and sink plug hole and flush with boiling water.

Always wash your bathroom tiles with baking soda and vinegar to remove stains and refresh the bathroom.

I hope these odor-eliminating hacks will be a great help to your home. leave a comment and like the post, see you in the next one.

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